About Frenchic Paint

From the Founder of Frenchic:
Multi Award winning Frenchic Furniture Paint® was launched from my dining table in Camberley, Surrey on November 25th, 2014. At precisely 8.45am, I excitedly took delivery of five pallets of my brand new chalk and mineral paint that I had named Frenchic. The lorry couldn’t make it up the drive and we handballed those first tins of paint into our garage in pelting rain with early morning commuter traffic looking on! I had been upcycling furniture using a leading brand at the time but wanted a chalk paint that offered more! A paint that really ticked all the boxes! A paint that was eco-friendly, certified safe enough to paint even children’s toys, that didn’t bubble or lift, that had minimal VOCs, that you could paint indoors or outdoors with no nasty painty odour and that had a beautiful palette of colour...
Cue Frenchic! Seven years later, here we are as the chalk paint brand in demand and have grown to over 800 stockists worldwide on four continents with more shops and businesses joining us daily. Our rocketing growth in the chalk paint world has been nothing short of amazing and humbling! No longer housed in my garage(!), we have moved warehouses four times as demand has increased, introduced more products and ranges, revamped our website, grown to more than half a million likers and followers on our FB page, 225,000 on Instagram and enjoy huge growth of other social media, seen our Frenchic Fan Forum grow daily heading towards a million members, and employ more than 30 people as we have grown! Phew! Yes, life has certainly changed since that rainy day in November, 2014! Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention, I have been humbled and proud to receive various prestigious business awards including the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation!
My fabulous team, together with UK and worldwide Stockists, make up the Frenchic family and we have come a long way together… but hold on to your hats as there’s sooo much more to come!
In the meantime, happy Frenchic’ing!
Love Pam ~ Founder of Frenchic, proud Champion of the Independent Retailer and lover of life!